Thursday 31 May 2012

Some pictures at last

Hello everyone. Well I am in a library in Bandon, Oregon and the computer will allow me to put some pictures up so it could be a little picture heavy. Above is a stretch of road I cycled this morning, it was beautiful and empty.

Yesterday I had my first rest day and really enjoyed a day off the bike, I spent it how any good Brit abroad would and sat on the beach and got sunburnt! I was staying just outside of a town called Chalrseton and it was a lovely campsite near a beach. The beach was called sunset so aptly enough I managed to view my first one of the trip here. (see picture)

There was a Botanical garden there also and it made me feel like I was back home to some extent.It felt surreal that just behind me was the crashing Pacific Ocean yet here it was so peaceful.

The day spent riding to get here had been great, as have all of the days of late. My legs are starting to feel really strong now and also there has been a very helpful tail wind the whole way. The expanse of sand dunes was incredible,

Hopefully this panoramic shot does it some justice.

I have been feeling really good about the whole trip of late and enjoying my own company. I am sure that the sunshine has helped a lot. As have stretches of road like the above here.

In a couple of days I will be leaving Oregon and arriving in Northern California where there are some bigger hills and to start off with the Redwood forests which I a excited about seeing.

Hopefully this one's a bit more interesting with some pictures.

Speak soon
Sam x

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