Wednesday 16 May 2012

Preperations (or lack of....)

So the bags are packed, the bike weighs a tonne but it all fits in. I haven't really got a clue whether I have packed too much or too little or too much of the wrong stuff but I guess I will just have to work it out as I go along. Here's a picture of all the stuff I am taking.

My Dad has spent many an hour and swear word sorting out the bike, racks, and mudguards so I owe him a massive thanks as I have not had the time to do it. I am excited about riding the bike as it is very different to the one I have been riding at present, in the fact that it is 10 times heavier but I reckon once it gets up to speed I should be fine. Here's a shot of my Dad admiring his handy work and the Surly Disc trucker ready for the off....

I'm hoping my legs will be fit enough for it as with the weather being so bad I haven't been ablew to get as much riding in as I would like. I am sure the riding out in Austria last week would have helped though as we managed to get a proper Alpine climb in out there. Greg Hackett made a great edit of the climb as you can see here

Right that's it from this side of the Atlantic, I hope to write a bit in a couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam. Hope you are keeping dry. Dave just mailed me a link to your blog. Looks great, I'll send it on to Tom - he will enjoy reading your progress. Have a great time - looking forward to the next posting. Thea
