Tuesday 22 May 2012

A lot of miles and rain

Well it's been a while coming but here's the first update. I'm sat here in Westport, Washington State in the library (it's amazing how internet cafe's now no longer exist) I've just done 80 miles or so in the rain, this is now the third consecutive day of rain. My spirits are surprisngly high considering how wet I have been but the sun shone for the last 10 miles of my ride today and I spontaneously burst into tears...!

Right well I'll start at the start of the journey. Getting the bike over was painless and I was pleased to see it arrive in one peice when I got to Vancouver. After a short ride I arrived the the Endeavor Snowboards office where it was great to see the new set up. Above is a shot of the wall outside the office. Max, Bruce, Rob, Jason all were very welcoming and had a beer waiting for me. At this point the sun was shining and all was well. Bruce was putting me up and made me feel really welcome, it was great to talk about the forthcoming adventure with him as he had done some open ocean sailing and could see the nervousness in me.

The following day I cycled around Stanley park which was a good way to warm the legs up. This is a shot of some of the totem poles there. The evening was spent at Vancouver beach drinking beer whilst Max's kids played on the park. It was good to feel so welcome there before I set off on my own.

The next morning Bruce dropped me off at the ferry to Vancouver Island, said my good byes and the adventure well and truely began. Well it would have had I not been refused on to the ferry as it was full, that meant I missed the follwing conecting one from Sidney so I was already a day behind schedule. I killed the time I had on Vancouver Island by riding to Victoria and back.

Here's a shot of Victoria

And also one of my first campsite of the trip which was great to be in the woodland
Following Day I got the ferry to Anacortes where after a bit of grief from homeland security I was allowed on to the ferry to Anacortes (USA). It then started raining and that's all it's done since I have been in the States. I can see how Washington is called the Evergreen state as it rains A LOT!!!! A tough 35 mile ride and I was in setting camp again. I awoke in the morning to the sound of Bald Eagles circling my tent....was this a sign?

Following day I did another 65 miles in constant rain and arrived in a town called Hoodsport. I checked into a really seedy Motel  (which felt like a palace as it was dry) and tried to dry everything out. I was feeling good despite all the rain as some of the riding had been fun and the scenery is beautiful as there are a lot of wildlife to look at. The sun briefly shone in Hoodsport and I got this shot of looking down the Hood Canal where I had just come from. I also will remember Hoodsport for the best Burrito I have ever had although I am sure there will be some other good ones on the way.

Hood Canal

So I am now in Westport and have just hit the Pacific Coast. Sorry if this is a little long and boring but It's tricky to know what to put in after a week away and have seen a lot of things and experienced some extreme highs and lows. Spirits are good though and looking forward to getting to another seedy Motel and celebrating a good day with a beer and a shower, maybe that's the last of the rain for a while as well but I doubt it....
Speak soon\Sam x


  1. Thanks Sam -good luck

  2. And we though that the coast to coast was an adventure. Missing your power on a Wednesday night. Good luck and the sun will come out at some point (probably when you gaet to CA ;-))

  3. Great work mate! I'll keep checking in and will be in touch soon!
    Cheers. Kieran
